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와인 코르크 뭘 만들지? What to do with wine corks

Good Idea. good to know

by nztori 2022. 1. 14. 19:16


와인 코르크 버리지말고 이렇게 욕실 발판만들면
완잔 Good idea네요!
Making a bathroom shower mat with the cork from wines is a good idea!

이렇게 주방 아니면 홈바 벽을 꾸미는것도 good idea!
decorating the walls on your kitchen or a home bar
instead of tiles is a good idea!

이렇게 웨딩태이블 데코레이숀으로도 활용할수잇겟어요
use them to decorate wedding table or any event table will sure to catch everyones eyes

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